Wednesday, November 30, 2011

days of thanks

A few friends on facebook had the thought to post something everyday that they were thankful for this month. I decided that this was a fabulous idea! I read somewhere, "What if you woke up only with the things that you said you were thankful for the day before?" Does that hit home for you like it did for me?

We should say thanks more often.

Days of Thanks

#1- I am thankful Jesus loves me.
#2- I am thankful for my parents, for the way they raised me and the Godly influence they are in my life.
#3- today I am thankful for my brother Jake and the fact that even though we don't always see eye to eye, he's still one of my best friends and I enjoy spending time with him. (My brother's response to my heartfelt comment: Awww!!! That's really nice!!! You're my best friend too! And we don't see eye to eye cause you're shorter than me...)
#4- I am thankful for my husband Jason and the hard working, fun loving, God fearing, hugs & kisses giving, daddy and husband that he is! I love you!
#5- today I am thankful for my kids. Even though they drive me crazy, I'm blessed to have them and love them very much!
#6- whoops, missed this day!
#7 & #8- I am thankful for yesterday and todays rain!
#9 - oh dear. Blank again.
#10- today I am thankful for children who (most of the time) say please and thank you. It's a really nice feeling when your 4 year old sits at the counter and says, "Thanks mom for making me a turkey sandwich with mustard!"
#11- today I am thankful for all of our veterans, past and present! Thank you (and your families) for you service and sacrifice!
#12- today I am thankful I have survived 3 weeks with no soda. I've been missing my caffeine!
#13- today I am thankful for biscuits and honey. When you're sick (which I am) there is nothing better. Well, at least in my opinion.
#14- today I am thankful that I appear to be the only one who is sick in the family. Praying no one else gets this.
#15- I am thankful for rainy days, where I can just lounge around in my comfy sweatpants and watch movies with Liam.
#16- no thanks today. This was all I posted-

#17- today I am thankful Jason has a job.
#18- I'm thankful it's Friday...
#19- Mmmmmm, homemade pumpkin spice donuts! SO good! Days of Thanks #19 - I am thankful that my mom was the kind of mom that let me help her make cookies and such as a kid! It instilled a love of baking (and cooking) in me! I need to be better at letting my kids help me in the kitchen, so they develop a love of cooking as well!
#20- I am thankful for red nail polish and 2 sets of tiny toes to paint on the girls.
#21- I am thankful for hugs. There is nothing better than a good squeeze.
#22- I am thankful for a live in plumber. It's so nice to not have to call someone to come change out a faucet, fix a shower head or unplug a messed up toilet.
#23- I am thankful for imaginative children. Even when it results in my vacuum attachment being broken because one of them was pretending to be Poseidon with his trident and threw it down the hall at a Greek foe...
#24- I sang this song for the kids on Thanksgiving and posted the words on facebook. Now... I could have recorded myself singing it, uploaded and edited the video and then posted it here, but I thought I'd just share this rather cool YouTube clip instead.

#25- I am thankful for Turkey Day leftovers!
#26- I am thankful for shopping with the parental unit and that they bought me a cute shirt, hat and scarf as an early Christmas present!
#27- I am thankful for popcorn, hot chocolate and a movie with my family on a Sunday afternoon!
#28- today I am thankful for a bread machine. I can just toss all my ingredients in there and voila, a few hours later I have a hot, yummy loaf of honey wheat bread.
#29- today I am thankful for my happy, happy Finnegan! He's always smiling and is rarely fussy anymore. It makes my day every single time I go to pick him up, or just walk by him, or call his name, or start singing and he grins at me. :)
#30- today I am thankful for you. Yes, YOU! For all the laughs we've shared. The tears we've cried. For all the hugs. For midnight movies and long talks into the wee hours of the morning. For crazy adventures and times of boredom. For old friends from years and years ago and for new friends. For history- good or bad. Whether I know you a little or a lot you've made an impact on my life and for that I am thankful.