Whoops, well it appears the last time I blogged was in June! I'm not sure who actually reads my blog, but just in case you do I'll fill you in on the last 4 months! (This could be a long update....)
July was "play in the sprinklers month" it was nice and warm here and we all just loved it!

The 4th of July rolled around again and we spent some time at the carnival.
Jason and Katie being daredevils.

Jason and Evie going for a ride!

Liam on his "horsie" ride.

I attempted to take a picture of my parents with the kids after rides.....

But someone was having attitude issues.

In July we also had the chance to celebrate a friends birthday Ninja style!

Every woman needs a man who doesn't mind dressing up as a Ninja and letting little boys beat him up.....

The first day of school came just one short week after Katie's birthday. Katherine Ann is in 3rd grade this year and went from a class of 4 to a class of 28. It's been an adjustment. Evora Claire is in Kindergarten, attending only half days and is doing well.

We finally made it to October! The fall season is upon us and I snapped these shots while we were having family pictures taken. October will bring it's own round of fun, including Evie's 6th birthday and Halloween. I promise that I won't wait another 4 months to post a blog about those things, I will attempt to get them on here in the same calendar month!

I now feel that I have properly caught you all up as to what's going on in our lives! Well, now that I think about it I've missed a couple of things, but maybe I will post about them all on their own.....