Liam also didn't get to join in the swimming fun. Katie loves the water! She jumps in, dives under and splashes everything in sight.

Evie spends her time on the steps. My little girl Evie. She is like none other. Only once did she decide to "jump" into the pool and have me "catch" her. This is how the conversation went:
Me: Would you like to jump to me Evie, I'll catch you?
Evie: Yes (as she stands on the edge of the pool) but come closer.
Me: (Already about a foot away) Ok (I move up 6")
Evie: No, closer!
Me: Ok (As I move ALL the way up to the edge of the pool)
Evie then puts both arms around my neck, wraps her legs around my waist and without ever entering the water says, "Whee!"
Shopping was fun, fun, fun!
Except for car troubles that made me leave a day after I was supposed to and the long drive there and back by myself, oh and the fact that Liam was sick, we all had a wonderful vacation. It was hard to leave the 90 degree temps to return to P-town and SNOW the next day, but it was nice while it lasted!